Tuesday, February 07, 2006

An independent investigation most Americans can support

As a Seattleite, somewhat, I tend to like my team to win. I, however, can take defeat - if it is clear that my team lost.

However, on Sunday, that was clearly not the case. Because of some very, highly, questionable calls, that not only cost some points, and gained some points, but may have broken the Hawks' momentum. So, the cheaters were not the other team, but rather, the twelth man on the other team, who wore jail outfits.

And, a majority of Americans see that the Hawks were clearly cheated out of a fair game, if not victory.

Yes, they didn't play their best, but do you think Pittsburgh really played that well, too? Either team could have won, but now, we will never know.

What I do see, however, is a potential for a federal investigation.

Now, one may ask, why should there be a federal investigation of a frivolous game? Well, because, I believe that we need to see whether racketering is involved or not. I actually went to the NFL website, to write the Commissioner, and there is no contact info!

To make such asinine calls, repeatedly, it clearly looks like a conspiracy, which is what the east coast sports establishment believes is not the case (but they hate anything on the west coast, except if it's in southern California). And for what reason would there be such a conspiracy? How about because someone has some money to make on the side, illegally, either in Vegas, or increased merchandising sales?

Now, this may not be the case. Maybe all the refs took some really good stuff before the game - if they did, I want to know what it was, and, where I can get some. That is the only other reason I can think of such absurd judgements.

In any case, there is a legitimate case for a federal investigation, even for someone who is a constitutionalist like me. While I am of course not an attorney, and my theory may be full of holes, I have a basis for it. Because the NFL is a nationwide organization, it clearly falls under federal jurisdiction. And stacking the deck when you control the cards and have a financial incentive to do so, if not racketering, is probably something else criminal.

There are petitions to sign out there demanding that something be done about this. I am too chicken to do so, but how about one to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales asking for a criminal investigation into this? There is something funny here, and I think this is one most Democrats, Republicans, and independents can get behind.