Sunday, January 15, 2006

Whatever happend to "By the Content of their Character?"

Tomorrow is Martin Luther King day. You know, the day where we celebrate the life of a Methodist minister named after the founder of a competing denomination. Anyways, the left loves this day. It's almost their favorite day. This is a day they can put multiculturism on full display and make us love the fact we are such a diverse society (which they love, except when it comes to political opinions different than their own. Or diverse forms of Christianity. Then they get into a rage).

I think you remember him well. He is the guy who said "...when my children are not judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Actually, his kids today might be judged by neither, but rather, by the value of their portfolios. But I digress.

Since he made that speech in 1963, Americans are actually much less judged by character than at that time. At one time, character was an important attribute of a person. Today, character does not matter - which is why people scoff when Rush Limbaugh says it does. And which is why the left did not like it when Bill Clinton's character was attacked so much.

What is character. Basically, having good attributes. One who does not lie, cheat, steal, engages not in infidelity, who is honorable, who works for their keep, gives to charity, etc. Basically, a good person. On the other hand, a character is often someone who is the opposite. People with character are often nice people, too.

Over the last generation, with the emphasis on customer service, people without character, in otherwords, jerks, or people who think they are entitled to something they ought not be entitled to, have gotten the upper hand because "the customer is always right." So they get their way, by being mean.

So is this how we want to run society? By caterining the the unvirtuous? Often, it costs businesses a lot of resources to cater to them because "one bad customer tells ten others." I have a different theory. Birds of a feather flock together, so one bad customer tells ten others, most of whom are not quality customers to begin with.

You see, in the last generation, due to the ugly segregation of the past, Americans have gone from judging individuals on many factors (including inappropriate ones like race) to not judging anyone at all. So we still continue to let jerks fall thru the cracks, and give them an inordinate share of attention.

These are the guys yelling at waiters and waitresses over every little thing. These are the fathers screaming at the umpire - or referee - over a disputed call in their kids game. These are the pains-in-the-butt who abuse their power in homeowner's associations and give them bad names. There are many different ways in many aspects of life, both commercially and uncommercially. Rather than assertively (but nicely) pushing for their way, they go into their true natures and demand things be done their way right now!

The cost to society is very high.

Instead, I have a different proposal.

A new way of honoring the Reverand (not Doctor, you anti-Christian leftists) Martin Luther King Jr, to let him have his dream, is to not associate with jerks. If we have to, then make them the very last person on the list to be addressed. Or be put into a position of responsibility - including in many volunteer organizations. (Many volunteer organizations let them run things because they are the only ones to step forward, thinking it will attract more members, but in the long run, it chases members away). This involves backbone, as the jerk will constantly be yelling at you, and demanding attention. You will have to keep smiling and tell said jerk (or bitch, if a female), to wait their turn, as oftentimes, jerks try to circumvent the democratic way of doing things, when all other factors of "getting your way" are equal.

In that manner, by forcing jerks to change, or leave, we will be creating a truly better society.