Monday, January 16, 2006

MLK Day Observations

Today was MLK day. The high day in the leftists' calender. A day to "celebrate diversity."

And what better way to do so than with the Golden Globe Awards. In fact, given the awards, a perfect day to show what they mean by diversity. The winners were Bareback Mounting, a film about the joys of transvestism, and a film glorifying suicide bombing. This is the diversity that should so be honored!!!

Everyone who mentions Bareback Mounting focuses on one thing - the sexual orientation of the gay shephards. That's right, shephards. These men were not cowboys. As I mentioned in a previous post, just because you drive a pickup truck, own a gun, wear a cowboy hat and boots, and live somewhere in the west, does not make you a cowboy. You see, you have to watch over - cows. Those things that go moo. You see, if you are gay, a sissy, wear a pink tutu, drive a Honda prius, and denouce guns, but you watch over cows, then you are a cowboy. Watching over cattle is the one defining thing that make a cowboy (well, at least if you are a male) - all those other cultural artifacts do not matter.

And, given my powers of perception, there have probably been lots of gay cowboy movies, probably since around the time I have been born. I think that a gay cowboy would be the ultimate fantasy of many a gay man, just like a cheerleader is the ultimate fantasy of many a straight man. Remember the Village People? So I would suspect that lots of those movies have been made. Only that you do not read the reviews in the Sunday Times. And those movies probably have next to no plot, either, since that is a genre for which plot doesn't really matter. So Hollywood shouldn't have made such a big deal of this.

Well, time to get on to the other diversity things. As I mentioned before, Martin Luther King Jr was misnamed. He was named after the founder of a competing denomination. He was a Methodist, not a Lutheran, minister. Kinda like the head quarterback of the Seahawks being named Joe Namath Jones.

However, you do not hear about much about his religion - although that was his profession - from the diversity mongers. That is because diversity means no diversity when it comes to religion. There is only one right way to think, that being there is no god. So bigotry of race has been replaced by bigotry of religion in America today.

And we shall completely forget that Martin Luther King Jr's big work day was Sunday. Which is we he is called "Doctor", not "Reverend" Martin Luther King. However, would you entrust him to figure out a solution to that little cancer problem you have? Or would have have put faith in him to fix your fractured tibula. No, I think not. For he had no medical training. So that would mean - he taught in a university? Well, which one? And, what subject? Last I heard, he never taught in a university. That is because he was a minister. Duh. It was hit faith that pulled him through all that hatred that was going on down south, to get accomplished what needed to be accomplished. Even if he engaged in a little extracurricular action.

This leads to my third point (no, not that point - get your mind out of the gutter!) The reason no one celebrates this day, except for government workers. You see, just like he was discriminated against because he could not control the color of his skin, his birthdate will not be celebrated en masse because of something else he could not control - his birthday. He was born twenty days after Christmas. What does that have to do with anything? Well, employees want a break between New Years Day, and Memorial Day. So President's Day is a good day, as it is kinda in the middle. On January 15, they have had too much vacation already - at least four days off from work within a little more than a month. I think most employees like this day, because they can actually get things done. I usually do this day. And, traffic is good; there are no traffic jams. So I would rather get to work on a day with no traffic jams than one with them. I think that the imposition of a holiday two weeks from New Years Day would result in a lot of resistance at a lot of companies.

I have thought that a better day to celebrate, given his profession, could be around his baptismal day. His parents were probably pretty good Christians, so I would guess they would have baptised him within a few months of his birth. They would have needed to get the right baptismal equipment, meaning they may have needed to know his sex, given than in 1929, there was no ultrasound to determine a baby's sex, so it would have taken a while to get the right clothes. If one could look up his baptismal date - if that is available - I would guess it would have been sometime in March or early April. If a day were taken off to commerate his holiday at that time, I think that a lot more employees would push to have it off, a lot more companies would use this day rather than President's Day, and they would seem more diverse.

Not, of course, that they would do anything to honor him. What do most people do on President's Day anyway? Sleep in, run errands, etc. And I can guarantee that is what they would do on that holiday, too.

Of course, there would be tremendous resistance from the left. They would scream "church and state! Church and state!". Like parrots, like many of them are. Even if there were a lot more people taking this day off to commemorate this day, their hatred of Christianity would be much stronger than their committment to honor diversity. I think it would be worth it to propose this just to watch their knee-jerk bigotry flex come into action! Now that would be entertainment!!!