Thursday, January 25, 2007

Newsflash: Carter denied the Holocaust

Check out this site:

Now, this if from WorldNetDaily, which I sometimes think is full of a bunch of right wing kooks, but it was linked from a more reliable source - The Drudge Report. You might laugh, but Matt Drudge is the Walter Cronkite of my generation. How many of his links are inaccurate?

In any case, given that Carter is now apologizing for Palestinean terrorists (and a large part of his board quit over that), anything is believeable. He claims that too many Jews are on the Holocaust center? This is classic leftwing thinking - all groups must be represented equally in any organization. If we are to take the Democrat standard, there are too many Jews in the US Senate - so I suggest we remove Chuck Schumer and replace him with, say, another minority? In the Democrat party, convention nominees are picked according to ethnic/gender/racial/sexual (meaning gay or not) quotas. Since the people who take pride in their ethnicity (meaning, they forget they are American and think they are Irish because they have an Irish last name and get drunk all the time), or their sex, or their race, or the fact that they have at least three sex partners each night (of a random sex) tend to be ideological kooks, mainly, leftwing ideological kooks, and their platform such reflects it.
In the Republican party, all this stuff doesn't matter. It is whoever is the strongest conservative.
In the meantime, in the Libertarian party, it is probably the individual who offers to tear down all government institutions the quickest. And in the Green party, it's the person offering the biggest joint. Sure there are other parties, but they are a complete waste of time, so I shan't mention them.

In any case, Carter now appears to have fallen under the sway of Norman Lincoln Rockwell (the American Nazi-party leader who formulated the theory that the Holocaust was a myth). Until Clinton came into office, Carter was one of the most admired ex-Presidents. Now, he has used up all that goodwill, and is now as big a clown, as an ex-President, as he was when he was in office.