Thursday, July 13, 2006

Give War a Chance

It's good to see Israel back in form!

Now that Hezbollah thought it would be funny to kidnap an Isreali soldier, Israel has finally decided to get serious with Islamic terrorists and essentially take out the Palestinian government. Which is perfectly fine with me. It's about time they get serious again. The Palestinians already have a state - it's called Jordan. And Israel was willing to let the Palestineans live next to them - as soon as the boundries settled in 1948 - but they have to keep this 60 year old grudge.

Now, they are liberating Lebanon, since they are purportedly aiding the terrorists. I have a problem with this. What is it? Who essentially controls Lebanon? Syria. I would like Israel to get serious and liberate Syria, too.

Of course, Syria denies any role in all this. I have one word to describe their statement. Lies. Of course Syria is funding them. Terrorists always wiggle their way out of situations by lying. History has shown this is the case. And no, you don't try to "understaaand" them. You merely take out the kookiest of them, or their funding sources, and the moderates will be more flexible and will learn to not only give up their terrorism, but they will live more peacefully.

I would have liked us to liberate Syria. But unfortunately, we are overextended. And history shows what happens when one country invades a whole bunch of other countries. They all gang up on the big country. So we really can't do much more. Hence, we have to have other countries take out the other terrorist states. Hence, Israel should be encouraged to take out Syria. India, who just had that huge train bomb, should be encouraged to take out Pakistan (another terrorist supporter). Japan should be encouraged to develop it's own nuke, and when North Korea gets a little more uppidity, take out North Korea (I think the Chinese and Russians would breathe a sigh of relief). And we shouldn't take the lead on Iran, but let the Europeans do it - we should merely do the cheerleading. If Iran doesn't comply - which I think they won't - then we should forgive France and Germany for their opposition to our liberation of Iraq, and let them do their own liberation of Iran. Sure their troops are probably wussies, but it will be good for Europe to get back to some good old fashioned fighting. Sure France will have something to crow about - helping defeat Iran - but letting France beat Iran is far better than letting Iran keep it's current regime.

I do agree with the Democrats that unilateralism can create serious problems in fighting the war on terror. And, I think we should be letting our egos rest, and let other countries take the lead on getting rid of these terrorist states. For the end goal is dispensing with evil terrorism, not stroking our pride. And if other countries want to take the lead on a terrorist state, we should encourage them to do it, rather than do it ourselves. Then, with all these awful terrorist states taken out, we can get more peace.