Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The tale of two breakups

I will now relate to you a bit of my past. I'm sure many of you have had the following happen to you in some times in your lives, but some, not.

In any case, we will go back 15 years, to when I was at Central. Next door to me moved some chicks - and one of these chicks had a friend named, well, umm, let say, Beyonce (not her real name). Well, we decided to go party. Because this is what college students do. So we went to several parties that night, and passed out in the bathroom.

I got up the next day - completely hungover - and had a job interview. I got the job. But it was for a janatorial position, so I guess you can be hungover for that kind of interview. In any case, I returned, and saw, well, Beyonce. Beyonce was kinda cute. And I introduced Beyonce to my other roommates, two of whom had girlfriends, one didn't.

Well, two of my roommates wanted Beyonce. Actually, what normal hetrosexual guy does not want Beyonce? Oops - wrong Beyonce. In any case, by simple deduction, you can tell that at least one of these roommates had a girlfriend, also, who we will call Paris (not her real name). And Paris could detect something and did not like Beyonce. I was kinda naive and didn't understand why, but I will explain what happened.

Both of my roommates pursued Beyonce. One quite brazenly. He did not get anything. The other one, with the girlfriend, was more suttle. And Paris was not happy about that (duh!). Now, Paris herself was a hot, dynamic personality (much hotter than the real Paris), something that lots of guys would want.

Well, one day, when eating with us, Beyonce had anxiety attacks. This was because Beyonce could not get what Beyonce wanted - my suttle roommate. So eventually Beyonce was cast away.

Years pass. I became a consevative. I became a conservative activist. And because I thought the Young Republicans were far too liberal (and too full of opportunists) I formed a chapter of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF). Why a near-comatose organization? I like to see if organizations of good character can be revived, and being a right-leaning near-nihilist, this would be perfect for me.

Well, we had our meetings at a resturaunt in Kirkland owned by another Republican activist. In the back room. And we had several. One day, I met a friend of Paris's at this resturaunt after one of our meetings. She told me an interesting story of what happened to Paris, Beyonce, and my roommate.

The year I went to Russia, my roommate decided to have some fun with Beyonce. Paris did not like that. So they broke up. And that was the end of that relationship. And Paris's friend told me that Paris got involved with a bunch of really wierd guys. In any case, both Paris and my old roommate were both narcissists, in my estimation, so I guess it was bound to happen.

Here is something odd.

At that same meeting, some of my friends, who are about ten years older than me, attended. We will call them Jack and Jill (not their real names). Jack and Jill liked to have parties, too, but being older, and homeowners, they did not have anything that resembled college parties. And their parties were more creative than those you did in college.

I decided to introduce them to my friend, who was also ten years older, to this couple. We will call him Amos. Amos was also part of YAF, but he became better friend of Jack and Jill then I did. Jack and Jill wanted as many people at their parties, so I brought my little brother Jason, a friend Matt (these are their real names, by the way), and Amos. I did a lot with Jack and Jill, and given they were Republicans, and so was Amos, I kept in contact with them.

Well, I left my district, and moved to the sticks. And I had a lot going on, so I lost contact with Jack and Jill (and Amos, too). What happened next is interesting.

Last year, I went to a Republican caucus meeting at a nearby Grange hall, and met up with someone who was a mutual friend of ours. Well, I had lost contact with Jack and Jill and Amos. She told me a story of what happened.

Amos introduced Jill to a friend of his (whom I probably have never met). Jill liked this friend. And this friend liked Jill. And when people like each other, they sometimes like to have sex with each other. Despite the fact one of them is married to someone else. Which is what happened. And Jack found out, and ended the marriage in divorce. Amos felt really guilty - but honestly, could he have done anything? He didn't know his friend was looking to engage in some extracurricular activities. And oddly, I introduced Amos to Jack and Jill, so I guess I am kinda guilty here, too, if you want to stretch it out.

On a side note, I recently read in the paper about a campaign worker who stole a lot of money. And I mean a lot. From a candidate. I met her at one of Jack and Jills' parties. And I did know her husband, from various activities. And her father is a doctor whom I deal with in another aspect of my life, my work.

Anyways, I am sure you have had this happen to you. Just I kinda find it ironic that the times I have had some responsibility for the breakup of two serious relationships (the first would have ended in marriage, I believe), there is a connecting factor of that one evening. When I was told of the first story, I was at the same location with the couple in the second story. And this is the only time they came to a YAF meeting. And this is the only time, since college, I have seem the friend of Paris (I gave her my number, she mine, but she never returned my call).

Sure there is such thing as coincidence, but for believers, there may sometimes there may be something else going on. There is a supernatural world out there - it will come to you, you need not look for it (you might get in trouble if you do). Is there any kind of divine message here (however convoluted the circumstances it was introduced)? I do not know. I just thought I would bring this up as it makes for an interesting story.