OK - I decided on a title of this blog
The Iconoclast.
Someone who likes to demolish idols. That is kinda me.
And, oh boy, are there idols to demolish.
Of course, humans create something, put it on a pedestal, worship it, and then do not think about the problems with the thing they created. Soon, an idea that was once le mode becomes tedius, worn, goofy, and ineffective. Like political correctness. Today, the high priests of political correctness are zealots who are promoting a set of ideas that are, well, dorky. Take recycling. Sure, it's a good thing to do - I recycle and reuse as much as I can - but there are people who are so into it they practically have orgasms over it! And I know some people like that, who get all excited over recycling things. Oh well - at least they don't have to worry about getting STD's!
I am a member of the so-called "generation-X". The person who coined this term originally meant it for people born in the years of 1958-1971; I am at the tail end of it (the "mainstream" media moved the category later on). And the menage et twa of all individuals of this age group (at least in America), no matter what political ideology, is nihilism. The leaders of the original boomer generation also wanted to tear stuff down, but they had their values they wanted to replace them with (which have wormed their way into our institutions).
Here is another idol that should be demolished - body art. For whatever reason, people like to turn their bodies into canvases, and it does make people look uglier. Take an attractive person who has a perfect body. So to be "in", they get an ugly tatoo (of who knows what) on some place on their body. So now you have this babe (or hunk, if your preferance is for men) who now has this blemish on their body. And, they might have a huge tattoo on their back, or tatoo's all over their body. That really looks ugly. And I can guarantee that they went to some guy who uses unsanitary equipment, because that much tattoo is very expensive, and people who do that much defacing probably do not have the money to pay for someone with sanitary equipment. So what may they have? Maybe hepatitis? Probably hepatitis? Would you want this person serving you in a resturant? Or a cafe? Much less sleep with them? Apparently some people do, as this is some kind of mating sign. Why they want to get hepatitis, I do not know. Maybe this is a way for ugly people to attract others, but attractive people need to do less, sometimes much less, to make themselves more attractive.
There is one sacred item that should not be torn down - following the beliefs of Jesus Christ, known as Christianity. And what I mean is following His beliefs as closly as possible, in the book called the Bible. Of course most people consciously pick-and-choose what to believe. I believe that it is possible to follow the good book as much as possible, be pious, but not be annoying at the same time. Now, I am not an active churchgoer, like I should be, but I'm sure God will eventually point me to one.
Of course many who appear to be obsessed with God all the time may not be. Sometimes people who are major sinners do so by "hiding behind their faith." I once went out with this chick, who we shall call Helga Huffelpuff (not her real name), who like to talk about her personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and how He influenced her life, and how she lived her life according to His principles. Well, in psych class they gave this thing call a purity test. 100% was totally pure. Well, she got a 4. Not 40, not 94, but a 4. I doubt there is a degenerate in Hollywood who could come that close. She even got her lesbian lover (who apparently permitted extracurricular activites - she asked me out!) to go to church with her. Go figure. And sure there are a lot more hypocrites. But it is much less pervasive than one thinks. If you watch Hollywood today, you probably get the impression that every churchgoer is a secret degenerate who harbors a big desire to do something naughty right here and now. The only exception is when the priest is a follower of liberation theology - then they are made into good guys. But that is the only exception allowed by them, which is a grossly unreal image. By-and-large, most Christians who are truly sincere about their faith (or most people who are truly sincere about their faith, for that matter) do not make mistakes (in terms of what the faith allows) very often.
What am I trying to say in this long rant? Basically, it is man who is corrupt. Who creates corrupt institutions (which, the majority of the time, probably the respective institutions started as some kind of reform movement and/or organization). Pure faith is not corrupt. It is man corrupts institutions. So there needs to be folly made of most institutions. Hence, the nihilist mindset of my generation is not so misguided.
Of course, lets use some common sense. If all institutions are abolished, there would be anarchy. And someone would come along and create new institutions to oppress everyone else. Probably someone who owns a lot of military hardware (and no, you can't get rid of military hardware, because the person who owns it will take care of you very quickly if you do!) This is what the dark ages was all about.
Being an iconoclastic blog can create problems. While looking at the blogs, I note there is a place where you can notify the administrators of "offensive content." But most things are offensive to at least somebody. So why have a blog? Being an iconoclast, almost everyone will be offended by something I write.
In any case, I intend to write about what I want to write about. And if you don't like what you read, find another blog. Maybe things on "server service" (as opposed to "customer service") or on my kooky theories about pre-Columbian explorations, or my gardening, or book reviews, or social theories, or history, or somatacizers (no, not womanizers - and how you spell that word anyways?). No poetry - you need to go elsewhere (who reads books of poetry anyway nowadays?). And I will try to stay away from politics - a passion of mine - because there is far too much political content (much of it uninformed) on the web. Basically, anything I feel about writing about, much of it iconoclastic. No focus. You just get facts and opinions from the most perfect person alive - me. At least that is merely my opinion of myself.
Someone who likes to demolish idols. That is kinda me.
And, oh boy, are there idols to demolish.
Of course, humans create something, put it on a pedestal, worship it, and then do not think about the problems with the thing they created. Soon, an idea that was once le mode becomes tedius, worn, goofy, and ineffective. Like political correctness. Today, the high priests of political correctness are zealots who are promoting a set of ideas that are, well, dorky. Take recycling. Sure, it's a good thing to do - I recycle and reuse as much as I can - but there are people who are so into it they practically have orgasms over it! And I know some people like that, who get all excited over recycling things. Oh well - at least they don't have to worry about getting STD's!
I am a member of the so-called "generation-X". The person who coined this term originally meant it for people born in the years of 1958-1971; I am at the tail end of it (the "mainstream" media moved the category later on). And the menage et twa of all individuals of this age group (at least in America), no matter what political ideology, is nihilism. The leaders of the original boomer generation also wanted to tear stuff down, but they had their values they wanted to replace them with (which have wormed their way into our institutions).
Here is another idol that should be demolished - body art. For whatever reason, people like to turn their bodies into canvases, and it does make people look uglier. Take an attractive person who has a perfect body. So to be "in", they get an ugly tatoo (of who knows what) on some place on their body. So now you have this babe (or hunk, if your preferance is for men) who now has this blemish on their body. And, they might have a huge tattoo on their back, or tatoo's all over their body. That really looks ugly. And I can guarantee that they went to some guy who uses unsanitary equipment, because that much tattoo is very expensive, and people who do that much defacing probably do not have the money to pay for someone with sanitary equipment. So what may they have? Maybe hepatitis? Probably hepatitis? Would you want this person serving you in a resturant? Or a cafe? Much less sleep with them? Apparently some people do, as this is some kind of mating sign. Why they want to get hepatitis, I do not know. Maybe this is a way for ugly people to attract others, but attractive people need to do less, sometimes much less, to make themselves more attractive.
There is one sacred item that should not be torn down - following the beliefs of Jesus Christ, known as Christianity. And what I mean is following His beliefs as closly as possible, in the book called the Bible. Of course most people consciously pick-and-choose what to believe. I believe that it is possible to follow the good book as much as possible, be pious, but not be annoying at the same time. Now, I am not an active churchgoer, like I should be, but I'm sure God will eventually point me to one.
Of course many who appear to be obsessed with God all the time may not be. Sometimes people who are major sinners do so by "hiding behind their faith." I once went out with this chick, who we shall call Helga Huffelpuff (not her real name), who like to talk about her personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and how He influenced her life, and how she lived her life according to His principles. Well, in psych class they gave this thing call a purity test. 100% was totally pure. Well, she got a 4. Not 40, not 94, but a 4. I doubt there is a degenerate in Hollywood who could come that close. She even got her lesbian lover (who apparently permitted extracurricular activites - she asked me out!) to go to church with her. Go figure. And sure there are a lot more hypocrites. But it is much less pervasive than one thinks. If you watch Hollywood today, you probably get the impression that every churchgoer is a secret degenerate who harbors a big desire to do something naughty right here and now. The only exception is when the priest is a follower of liberation theology - then they are made into good guys. But that is the only exception allowed by them, which is a grossly unreal image. By-and-large, most Christians who are truly sincere about their faith (or most people who are truly sincere about their faith, for that matter) do not make mistakes (in terms of what the faith allows) very often.
What am I trying to say in this long rant? Basically, it is man who is corrupt. Who creates corrupt institutions (which, the majority of the time, probably the respective institutions started as some kind of reform movement and/or organization). Pure faith is not corrupt. It is man corrupts institutions. So there needs to be folly made of most institutions. Hence, the nihilist mindset of my generation is not so misguided.
Of course, lets use some common sense. If all institutions are abolished, there would be anarchy. And someone would come along and create new institutions to oppress everyone else. Probably someone who owns a lot of military hardware (and no, you can't get rid of military hardware, because the person who owns it will take care of you very quickly if you do!) This is what the dark ages was all about.
Being an iconoclastic blog can create problems. While looking at the blogs, I note there is a place where you can notify the administrators of "offensive content." But most things are offensive to at least somebody. So why have a blog? Being an iconoclast, almost everyone will be offended by something I write.
In any case, I intend to write about what I want to write about. And if you don't like what you read, find another blog. Maybe things on "server service" (as opposed to "customer service") or on my kooky theories about pre-Columbian explorations, or my gardening, or book reviews, or social theories, or history, or somatacizers (no, not womanizers - and how you spell that word anyways?). No poetry - you need to go elsewhere (who reads books of poetry anyway nowadays?). And I will try to stay away from politics - a passion of mine - because there is far too much political content (much of it uninformed) on the web. Basically, anything I feel about writing about, much of it iconoclastic. No focus. You just get facts and opinions from the most perfect person alive - me. At least that is merely my opinion of myself.
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